Factors Affecting Google Page Ranking-15/200- Keyword Density

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Keyword Density

This topic is one of the most troublesome thing which keeps webmasters always worried about and believe me if you read this post will reduce your worries to a level of zero. Before I proceed I would like to ask a question what makes your visitors come again and again? You have the below options:-

1. Is it Content

2. Is it Keywords

3. Is it Niche

4. Is it relevancy

5. Is it SEO

6. Is it paid clicks

7. Is it Search Engine Marketing

8. Is it your backlinks

9. Is it your command over the topic

10. Is it your compelling titles

If your answer carries Number 1 as one of the answer out of the 10 options you are reading a right and relevant article which is going to solve your purpose. In one of my previous post about Website Traffic I talked about how to control website traffic. But if you want to loose open all the doors of the flood gate of traffic my recommendations are as follows-

1. Write content as natural as possible

2. make lot of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors

3. Guide your readers to other posts of the website

4. Show them the logical reasoning and reference sources of your claim

5. Write compelling titles and attractive title tags.

So coming back to the topic in hand what is the right mix of the keyword density to make your content amazing. As per me there is no recipe or the exact percentage which can magically turn the world upside down and every person on Google search will get guided towards your blog. Only way to guide the visitors through your blog is to write great content with relevancy and source of claim. And also ask feedback on how you doing plus make them feel comfortable in your blog.

Also one more thing which makes readers come again and again that is your approach towards the content if the content and construct of the article seams like a discussion with reliable other resources on web which seconds your thought. Or resources on which you are presenting your views on the topic. Write a lot of really awesome posts and make people find solution to the problems in your blog, and if that happens as I have not mentioned keyword density in this whole post. If you write content not worrying about the keyword density you will write natural content, as said by Matt in the video above you can ask others to read through the article before you publish. And if your article seams unnatural and feels like you are pushing in the words without not much requirement you should reframe the whole article. I have a one more really nice tip to follow. Always write keeping in mind what is the topic that you are talking about not bothering about how many a times keyword is appearing in your topic and then decide the target keyword of your topic. If you do this you have a readymade natural looking article in your hand and you are aware which is the keyword you can target to bring this article to the top. I do it and I am doing it successfully since long. So if you have any trouble in following this concept or if you are stuck in deciding which keyword you should select as target keyword you should reread the title of the post. You will find the keyword immediately.


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