Factors Affecting Google Page Ranking-158/200- Authority of Facebook User Accounts

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Authority of Facebook user accounts is an important factor in determining the worth of your website and your social networking efforts. But this has two different faces and approach to reach the goal of optimal reach of your brand in between the masses. If you are a populist by nature and fortunately holds  a brand it is very easy for you to establish your brand in between social sites. Because it is very easy for you to make sure your target audience is reached as you have natural capability to attract masses and along with it you have a ready made set of huge set of people interested in what you are talking about on the web. If you are a blogger than it becomes very important that you your self make your near dear ones connected to you through web be aspiring your brand as valuable. Along with this it becomes very important that your masses have the same taste of readable as yours.

So you have the masses ready to read you but you don’t have the content for them to consume as a blogger it is important that the data consumption should be always lesser than the development of the data. And this could happen only if you are interacting with your audience on social platforms personally. This personal touch is the key differentiator in determining success as the key traffic sources are these sites and you have to map your ideas according to this key audience. When you start writing it is very important that you know your audience. Authority of Facebook user accounts makes way to your website authority but the authority could be developed both by writing fantastic content and authority of your Facebook and social networking profiles. Now when you have a authoritative profile in Social networking sites with huge number of people in touch with you and willing to listen to you. The chances are bright that your writing will also be heard read and analyzed by these readers. Best about these readers are that they are open critic and best appraisers. When you are looking for these opportunities the only thing which is required and is expected from you is the quality of content when you are writing fabulous content people usually come and appraise by themselves and quote your story in there articles. Now you have one accomplishment and rest will be taken care by your awesome group of social connections. Your job is a cake walk and thus looks of your website should be streamlined to make sure that your readers be sent to the place you want them to visit. Thus if you have control on the movement of people inside your website you are actually making them to reach your content and consume content as much as you want. Consumption is also controlled by the author would be addressed in my some other post some other day but for now we can conclude that authority is in the hand of author for a website. And for a social handle authority it completely depends on your social contacts and your way be connected to each of your readers. In the next post we are going to look at Pinterest pins, another social handle which can lead lots of traffic to your website.


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