Factors Affecting Google Page Ranking-60/200- Parked Domain

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There are many a website owners which as per the previous Google Search Engine logic which states that Old domains are actually ranked higher but one important point it was missing till December 2011 which amended search Algorithm. And the amended rule states that the parked domains will not get the benefits of old domains Google Juice. This actually many a times created confusion and some of the authors have to ask for the Google Juice post changes done by Google. The prime reason for the goof up was the change in considering old sites but derecognize sites in parking. So the site which went up post been pushed to parking have to ring Google to return there website’s Google Juice which was withdrawn.

Now consider a situation in which two sites are there which were ranking just at the same Google Search Engine Page Ranking level but one wen in parking. This will help not only reduce the blogsters with numerous website and just waiting for domain to be old for selling. Parked domains were sold and resold numerous times and the value of domains in the eyes of Google keep growing. But this is stopped now and hence even this update has indirectly hit business of the resellers and various cross sellers who used to claim the cost of the domain is nothing in place of the websites old and established status. So when you are out for buying a domain you have to read below post,

Read this post before you buy a used domain

Parked domain are the ones which are established and branded in the life cycle but now they are parked domains and hence the domains are resold post being established and this business has flourished over a period of years. Now the parked domains are no more much lucrative business, and thus the sharp decline in the business of resellers due to this with which the parked domains were sold. The parked domains used to be difficult buy for a domain seeker as it involves lot of money as well as it involves risk of no follow from Google. But over the period of time it actually benefits the buyer as slowly Google starts following the links and slowly buyer gets its benefit. Next post is going to talk about useful content and content is the king in blogging and it makes you and your go happy. Now in this happiness the main prospect is content and how to modulate and demodulate in the whole blog. This modulation and demodulation is necessary to make things go smoothly for reader and for author.


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