Blog Content Management- Vertical Concept

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When you grow as a blogger and your website grow as 100s of posts rolling all over web the importance of content management comes into picture. In this post we will see what is the importance of content management and how could it be ensured in a proper smooth manner. How to manage it so efficiently that neither you readers nor search engine bot realize the difference. But you as a content owner knows where you need to write more and which side of your blog content is falling behind. Content management is as important as blogging because over a period of time writers are hit by a writer’s block. And i understood it is a wrong content management which lead to this situation. Never let your mind be stressed for new ideas because if your mind on which vertical you are supposed to write next day the ideas will start pouring in. As in my previous post I talked about How to write 10 Blog Posts a Day. When you start writing in such huge numbers it is important to manage it as well. Because if you see every niche has a limit of placing your ideas on. But I am sure any idea cannot be explained beyond ~200 Posts!!! So if you don’t want to be finished with ideas you have to develop a strategy on content management. I gave the name to this strategy as Vertical Concept.

How Vertical Concept Works?

I name my blogs core ideas on which I going to address the audience as Verticals. It should be clear in the mind of every blogger so he is not lost in selecting the Vertical in which he wants to write in. You can take Vertical as your Categories, list down all the categories of your post. They should not be more than 15 at the most or if you are able to manage it under 10 that would be great. Now in these verticals put down what all ideas that fall into them, for finding the ideas within it you can just think of any word which comes in to your mind when you read the word. Write it down as well, Now you have the verticals under which you want to write in and under those verticals you know what all ideas need to be covered. With this concept you will never fall short of ideas while writing for your blog. Plus you have to keep pushing your self to read as much as you can on the concepts and ideas.

For eg.

I write verticals as in below image :-
Content Management- Vertical Concept
So as per the Image I have three verticals and in these three verticals I typed in those words which came in my mind by reading these Verticals. So these will be my posing ideas. If you are falling short of the Ideas in the vertical add a new vertical grow it to the level of other verticals and then look for another vertical. This way a writer block will never come. It is just a small piece of planning which will never let you leave blogging as a career. This whole vertical management will make sure your blog is covering all the ideas below the core story as well as making sure that you are never bothered about ideas for posts.

Work for you
Add up more semi keywords inside the keywords list as these semi keywords will make your vertical management more exhaustive and indepth. You know now what you have to write in next 1 Year, this vertical concept will let you know your upcoming posts and you can enlist them all. How you manage contents on your Blog? Have you liked this blog do subscribe to my newsletter to never miss any breaking news.


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