Factors Affecting Google Page Ranking-65/200- Site Architecture

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Site architecture not only makes user understands all the thought process of the author clearly and step by step but also leads Google to thematically arrange the content of a Blog. When the content is well orchestrated and clear ideas on board the readers by themselves reach out to the post and make it popular. When you are able to deliver a popular post which addresses wider audience problem and actually gives resource for the user to acknowledge and clear working on the issue. There is no reason post will not become successful, on addition to all the content work out strategy if the site architecture is hap hazard the post as well as website authenticity becomes a question mark in the minds of the reader. Site architecture also indicates Google bot the authenticity of the info provided by the site and also makes sure that it is actually gaining all the SEO points while analyzed for site ranking.

Site architecture comprises of below points:-

1. Ad Placement:- It is very and foremost important because if the ads or monetization is actually coming in the way of a site reader the main reason for the reader to website is lost. The resolution to the issue, consider yourself as a reader where in you visit a site for resolution to the issue that you are facing. And you feel yourself stuck in a cobweb of ad banners which is not allowing you come out of the website without clicking numerous links.

2. Boxes and citations:- Boxes which when used intelligently on a website not only leads to distraction from the content of a page but also leads to readers exiting the page for never coming back again. Citations is again be used for authenticating the data or the inputs provided by the author. When used too much the readers tends to move out of the page and also leads Google to consider your website as a clutter of outward linking sites. Which leads to strict action by Google on the page and many a times blacklisting the website itself.

There are numerous other points which are actually leading Google to under your clear site structure and to actually make reader stick to the content you deliver to them. Hence always try to keep the website as clean as possible and also ensure the reading experience is excellent on your website so the user keep visiting your page again and again. Now moving to the next topic which is 66th point of our long discussion Factors Affecting Google Page Ranking. The next topic talks about the Page and the count of them, when and how to know your website has got appropriately placed in the world of Blog and also what are the dos and dont’s of a successful blog. Also we would like to see ahead in the post what makes your blog different from poorly clad affiliate link sites. And how to always be ahead with such sites in Google Page ranking.


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